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Showing posts from December, 2017

How you can improve customer relations with your LMS

When we think who have benefited from the learning management system , the first people who come to mind are employees. Decision makers do not need to bring LMS on board, but we all met with one leader or two who need less motivation. If this is in your organization, then this article is for you. Because there is another group that takes advantage of the use of LMS by your team - how are your customers here. 1. Improve customer engagement to launch on the right foot One of the most important contact points you have with the customer is the first one: their experience on board. Good onboard experience is one of the biggest deterrents to customer dropout rates, which is crucial, as even 1% of the customer abandonment rate may have a 12% impact on the company's rating over a period of five years. With LMS, you can customize on-board training, which not only tells the customer how to use a product but displays them with practical product demos. You can integrate with co...

The ideal time to cross-promote your courses

Whether you sell your studies or not, it is important that your teacher knows about your offer. One of the best times to promote or promote your courses is right after someone completes a course, but surprisingly many people do not take advantage of this moment. Instead, they allow their students to complete the course and then decide what to do for themselves. If you are  selling courses , you are missing a great opportunity! When your students complete a course they have a sense of accomplishment. They feel good about what they have done. A student who is happy will be much more receptive to his other offers than one who is not. Fortunately, there is an easy solution for this, and it is to present a special message to your students immediately after completing a course. In  WPLMS  this is very easy to do taking advantage of the "Complete Course". You can see this in action in the video at the top of the page. article source:-  https://wplmssite.wordpres...